Upper Legs Upper Legs 31 Videos Alternating Push UP to knee push up 0:16 alternating toe tap 0:16 archer push up 0:16 bodyweight squats 0:16 bodyweight squats hold 0:16 Bridge with Alternating Leg Raise 0:16 bulgarian split squat bodyweight right 0:16 Burpee 0:16 chair Elevated Single Leg Glute left Bridge 0:16 chair Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge 0:16 chair Bulgarian Split Squats right bodyweight 0:16 Chair Bulgarian Split Squats left bodyweight 0:16 chair back lunge right resistance band 0:16 chair back lunge left resistance band 0:16 Decline Push UP 0:16 downdog to plank 0:16 Fast feet 0:16 Half burpees 0:16 high knees 0:16 Inchworm 0:16 jumping jack 0:16 Lay Down Push UP 0:16 Pike Push 0:16 Push UP slow 0:16 plank lunges right 0:16 plank lunges left 0:16 skipping 0:16 star jump 0:16 supermen holds 0:16 walkout 0:16 Supine Push UP 0:16