Healthy Diet
The first of the eight elements for total health and wellness is:
PHYSICAL: At birth we are provided body that is a soto move around in during our journey on planet earth. Recognizing the need for a healthy diet/nutrition, physical activity, and rest are apparent from the moment we enter the world from our mothers womb. As your first food, you might expect breast milk ingredients to include basic essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as water to keep her hydrated, which it does.1 But breast milk is no ordinary food – it has more value than nutrition alone.,
PHYSICAL: At birth we are provided body that is a soto move around in during our journey on planet earth. Recognizing the need for a healthy diet/nutrition, physical activity, and rest are apparent from the moment we enter the world from our mothers womb. As your first food, you might expect breast milk ingredients to include basic essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as water to keep her hydrated, which it does.1 But breast milk is no ordinary food – it has more value than nutrition alone.,
Read more about our original natural foood create to promote growth and healing